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The Murals of Extelcoms House

Near of one of Nairobi’s busiest intersections is the city’s biggest and most colourful set of murals. This set of murals has made Extelcoms House, part of the Central Bank of Kenya office complex, one of the most interesting parts of the city, visually,...

CBK Visit by Primary and Secondary Schools

Primary and Secondary School students are invited to visit the Central Bank of Kenya or any of its Branches and Currency Centres during the Global Money Week from March 27 to 31, 2017. A maximum of up to five (5) schools will be selected for the visits on a first come...

Banking Development

Development of Banking in Kenya The financial journey in Kenya dates back to the pre-colonial periods. At first, the pioneering banks concentrated on financing international trade along the Europe-South Africa–India axis. They, however, soon diversified operations to...

Key Milestones

Key Milestones For the past 50 years, the Bank has made significant strides in fulfilling its mandate. Successive Boards have seen the Bank grow from a staff establishment of 60 in 1966 to over 1,300. In response to its expanding functions, the areas of operation have...