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Treasury Bills

Treasury Bills on Offer


Issue Number: 2589/091 Auction Date: 1st August 2024   Value Dated: 5th August 2024  

Previous Average Interest Rate: 16.000% 


Issue Number: 2562/182 Auction Date: 1st August 2024   Value Dated: 5th August 2024  

Previous Average Interest Rate: 16.8506%


Issue Number: 2516/364 Auction Date: 1st August 2024   Value Dated: 5th August 2024 

Previous Average Interest Rate: 16.9212%

Government Securities Auction and Maturities Schedule

91-Day Results

182-Day Results

364-Day Results

Treasury Bills Average Rates

OTC Trades for Treasury Bills

See forms related to broker registration HERE and our directory of Member Firms of the Nairobi Securities Exchange HERE.


Please note that calculators are provided to serve as guides for investors, but all final pricing is determined by the Central Bank.

This calculator allows you determine what your payment would be based on face values and interest rates that you input. You can use it to determine what your returns would be at various interest rates or, if you would like to enter a competitive bid, to determine what interest rate you should submit to CBK to yield a certain return.

Treasury Bills Pricing Calculator

Enter Face Value (KShs)
With Tax? Yes No
Enter Rate (%)
Price (Kshs)
Tax Amount(Kshs)
Total Offer Payment
Interest Amount
This calculator allows you determine what you would receive should you need to rediscount your bill. Find your bill’s maturity date using our Treasury Bills Results tables above.

Treasury Bills Re-discounting Calculator

Bills Re-discounting Calculator

Maturity Date
Bill Value
Calculated Re-discount Price (Per KSHS.100)
Calculated Amount Receivable